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frequently asked questions

natural instinct

FAQ - Natural Instinct


FAQ - Fit by Nature

covid-19 safe management

Our instructors are fully vaccinated or will be required to undergo regular testing regime with an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) as part of our commitment in keeping our children, clients and community safe.


Outdoor training and/or activities will be conducted in small groups. Our instructors will ensure that there is safe distancing of at least 2-3 meters between each group and there will be no mixing between each group.


Children attending Natural Instinct programme should wear masks or face shields at all time. Hand hygiene will also be emphasized before, during and after each programme.


All equipment will be disinfected and sanitized thoroughly after each session to prevent the spread of virus.


Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) & Health Checks


We will conduct temperature screening, health checks and verbal PAR-Q before the commencement of each session.


Participants are to answer the following PAR-Q questions honestly:


1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?


2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?


3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?


4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?


5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worst by a change in your physical activity?


6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood pressure or heart condition?


7. Do you know of any other reason(s) why you should not do physical activity?


Instructors will conduct a visual health check and look out for visible symptoms such as but not limited to:


- Runny Nose, Sneezing, Nasal Congestion

- Sore Throat, Cough, Dry Cough

- Tiredness, Prolong Period of Quietness, Uncoordinated Movement


Participants will need to inform our instructors immediately if they are feeling unwell at any point of time with conditions such as but not limited to:


- Fever

- Headache

- Loss of taste or smell

- Rash on skin

- Chest Pain

- Aches & Pains


Health Risks Management


Please refrain from attending our programmes and seek medical treatment if you are feeling unwell or display symptoms such as flu, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, cough and fever.


Please also refrain from attending our programmes if you are on Isolation Order (IO), Home Recovery Programme (HRP), or a close contact of a COVID-19 case and have not been served a Health Risk Warning (HRW) yet. You are advised to monitor your health over the next few days and perform an Antigen Rapid Test (ART).


Individuals who have received a Heath Risk Warning (HRW) should also refrain from attending our programmes. They should self-isolate immediately, perform an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) within 24 hours and monitor their health over the next 7 days. They may resume normal activities after performing a final Antigen Rapid Test (ART) on Day 7 with a negative result.


Natural Instinct will identify and inform affected parents whose children are close contacts, should there be a child or instructor from the group who is tested positive. Affected parents are strongly encouraged to monitor the health of their children, keep them at home and perform an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) while the health authorities conduct their contact tracing. This process will usually take about 3-5 days where you might be issued a Health Risk Warning (HRW).


Travel Declaration


Kindly declare any recent and/or intended travel plans to other countries if you are an existing client and/or have a child who is attending our outdoor programmes.


Travel declaration form:


You may contact our appointed Safe Management Officer if you have any enquiries or feedback on our COVID-19 policies and procedures.


Safe Management Officer: Mr Jonathan Chua


Telephone: 8585 4822

FAQ - COVID-19 Safe Management

Contact Us

+65 8585 4822 / +65 8766 5433

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